Following the recent donation Droandi Carafa, the Museum of San Martino is displaying a selection of testimonials and personal memories of the Carafa family. The rich collection consists of fans, album of drawings, miniatures, majolica plates, but above all drawings and projects for dishes both for diplay and for service, designed and made by Pompeo Carafa Noja (Naples 1827-1895), master of ceremonies of the King from 1860 until the end of the century.
This exhibition is focused on a group of eighteen majolica plates inspired by themes and subjects of ceramic models from central Italy, manufactured between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Urbino, Gubbio and Castles), testifying a constant activity in the furnaces of the Royal Palace of Naples, where Pompeo Carafa realized ceramic products.
Where: Museum of San Martino, 5 Largo San Martino, Naples.
When: October 20, 2015 thru December 20, 2015
Hours: from 8.30 to 19.30 (ticket office closes an hour earlier)
Closed on Wednesdays
Ticket price: € 6,00 reduced € 3.00 (The cost of entry and hours may vary with exhibitions in progress). Free entrance for European Union citizens under 18
Free: first Sunday of every month
Information: 0039.081.2294502 and sspsae-na.sanmartino@beniculturali.it